Probaws — JavaScript plugin which allows you to add a dynamic progress bar to the page, which changes when the page is scrolled.
Lightweight javascript — 328b minified and 411b not minified version
Lightweight css — 82b minified and 118b not minified version
Easy to use
Easily connects to any project
Probaws.js supports all modedrn browsers 99,3% of global usage.
List of supported browsers: IE8+, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, Yandex Browser, Mobile browsers
Copy-paste probaws.min.js and probaws.min.css to your project.
Load CSS in document head before or after your main styles
Load JS in document before of your scripts
enter right after the opening body tag:
<div class="progress"></div>
on those pages where you want to see the progress bar
Write in your main stylesheet:
.progress {
background-color: color in rgb or hex format;